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PostgreSQL Setup and Installation Notes for IHABBS
Detailed, online help information on PostgreSQL can be obtained at
Additional useful information can be found on
any search engine. Please feel free to contact Anders Nilsson at
if these sources of information or the instructions below prove to be
PostgreSQL Scripts
Efficient and secure PostgreSQL servers rely on a number of database
management tasks that are (normally) executed from a cron table. Minimum
tasks include:
Running the vacuum command on a regular basis to free unused disk space.
The vacuum command should invoke the analyze option to update table
statistics (probably the most important task for database efficiency);
Taking frequent images of the current write ahead log, archiving full write
ahead logs, and making periodic copies of the PostgreSQL table spaces.
These tasks, along with their respective restore procedures, ensure that
you can recover your database in the event of a failure; and
Periodically dumping your database schemas so that you can rebuild your
database tables in the event of a database failure.
Please contact your PostgreSQL database administrator to verify that these
minimum administrative considerations are in place and operating properly
before proceeding.
PostgreSQL Parameters
You should not have to modify parameters in the postgresql.conf file. We're
assuming that you already have PostgreSQL installed and that the installation
is properly configured for normal River Forecast Center operations. IHABBS
makes minimal use of the database and, as such, should not appreciably effect
its performance.
In the event that you add additional PostgreSQL users to run IHABBS, you may
find it necessary to modify either the pg_hba.conf and/or pg_ident.conf files.
Modification of these files is beyond the scope of these instructions and
should be attempted by your database and systems administrators.
PostgreSQL Client-Side Preparation
The following PostgreSQL environment variables must be considered installing
and running IHABBS:
a) PGHOST=server_name; - i.e. PGHOST=odb0
b) PHHOSTADDR=server_address; - i.e. PGHOSTADDR=
c) PGUSER=user_name; - i.e. PGUSER=$USER
Setting PGDATABASE=database_name (i.e. PGDATABASE=operations) may make it
more convenient to interact with the database outside of IHABBS. IHABBS uses
its own configuration file to connect to a database and to set the schema
search path.
We recommend setting PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT=0.
Go ahead and set:
a) GISRS_DATABASE=database_name; - i.e. GISRS_DATABASE=operations; and
b) GISRS_SCHEMA=schema_name; - i.e. GISRS_SCHEMA=gisrs
All other environment variables more than likely are nonspecific to IHABBS.
The default configuration file used by IHABBS, "nohrsc.cfg" needs to specify
the schema name as well as the database name used above. In nohrsc.cfg, add:
DATABASE database_name - i.e. DATABASE operations
SCHEMA schema_name - i.e. SCHEMA gisrs
PostgreSQL Runtime Library
Make sure the PostgreSQL runtime library is properly installed on your client
machine. The runtime library should be indicated by the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable (i.e., LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/opt/postgres/lib). Please
seek the assistance of your database and system administrators.
PostgreSQL Server-Side Preparation
You may wish to isolate IHABBS from your normal River Forecast Center
operations. The following options allow for a certain level of isolation on
an existing PostgreSQL server. If you wish to totally isolate IHABBS on its
own server, please contact Anders Nilsson at
for detailed instructions. Please
refer to your PostgreSQL documentation for details before executing any of these
suggestions. This document is not intended to be a complete description of
referenced PostgreSQL commands. Rather, it is intended to serve as a guide.
NOTE: None of the following should be necessary if you are satisfied with
your current PostgreSQL configuration. Perhaps only some of these suggestions
are suitable to your needs.
Creating PostgreSQL Users for IHABBS:
You may find it useful to create IHABBS specific PostgreSQL users. The following
command line input safely creates an new PostgreSQL user (see PostgreSQL
documentation for details):
createuser -A -D user_name
New users, at minimum, need to be added to pg_hba.conf (see PostgreSQL
documentation on managing new users).
PostgreSQL users are not the same as operating systems users. The PostgreSQL
user is relevent to the PGUSER environment variable which defines the level
of access to PostgreSQL resources (databases, schemas, tables, etc.).
We use trusted user interface to PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL allows various methods
of user verification that are beyond the scope of this document. Please refer
to the PostgreSQL documentation if you use something other than trusted.
Initializing a location for the IHABBS PostgreSQL database
Creating Tablespaces for IHABBS with PostgreSQL 8+
Provided that you have access to a number of physically seperated disk drives,
you can isolate IHABBS database I/O from the rest of your database I/O by
creating PostgreSQL tables spaces prior to creating the a new PostgreSQL
database for IHABBS.
First, identify your disk resouces paths. It may prove useful in the future
if these paths are symbolic links. Then run psql \template1. This excutes
an interface to PostgreSQL's "seed" database. Commands run under \template1
have lasting effect on future administrative tasks so use with caution.
From the psql interface execute:
CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name LOCATION 'tablespace_path';
This command will make this disk resource available to future databases.
Properly managed (at the system level, database creation level, and table
creation level), tablespaces can allow you to manage PostgreSQL I/O.
Then assign PostgreSQL level permissions on tablespaces to PostgreSQL users as
follows (see PostgreSQL documentation for details):
GRANT CREATE ON TABLESPACE tablespace_name TO user_name;
Specifying an alternate location for IHABBS with PostgreSQL 7.x
Alternate locations for the database can be accomplished with earlier versions
of PostgreSQL, but it is slightly trickier. First, an variable must be
setup in the postgres superuser's (the user that will actually run the
database) environment that specifies the location. For convenience and
avoidance of confusion, it is recommended that this be named PGDATA or
something similar.
For the OB6 install on AWIPS, an area named PGDATA_LOCAL has already been
specified. It used the following for creation on the command line:
initlocation PGDATA_LOCAL
Creating PostgreSQL Database for IHABBS:
You may wish to have IHABBS occupy its own PostgreSQL database. If so, execute
one of the following commands from psql \template1 interface:
Using the default database location :
CREATE DATABASE database_name ;
Or, specifying a tablespace (location) with PostgresSQL 8+ :
CREATE DATABASE database_name TABLESPACE tablespace_name;
Or, specifiying a location with PostgreSQL 7.x (in this case, on AWIPS):
Then assign assign PostgreSQL user level permissions as follows (see PostgreSQL
documentation for details):
GRANT TEMPORARY ON DATABASE database_name TO user_name;
You can then quit the interface by typing:
Creating PostgreSQL Schema for IHABBS:
You may wish to isolate IHABBS from the rest of your database by having it
occupy its own PostgreSQL schema. This is not mandatory, as you can place the
IHABBS install in the default schema (most likely "public").
From psql \database_name (select the
database in which the new schema should reside) execute (see PostgreSQL
documentation for details):
CREATE SCHEMA schema_name;
Assign PostgreSQL user permissions to the schema as follows ((see PostgreSQL
documentation for details):