NOHRSC Technology >
NOHRSC GIS Applications > NOHRSC launcher
NOHRSC Launcher Release Notes
NOHRSC launcher 1.05
Released in September, 2003
- Removed limit on number of spawned children apps
- Handles color allocation for spawned children apps
- Attempts to compensate when out of colors in 8 bit color mode
NOHRSC launcher 1.04
Released in February, 2002
- Linux version - ended HP-UX support
- Support for read only color / 24-bit color
NOHRSC launcher 1.03
Released in May, 2001
- Quits if database not found
- Terminal errors now more verbose
Bug Fixes
- Sets working directory properly (current directory)
NOHRSC launcher 1.02
Released in May, 1999
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where the distributed thematic raster colors are not read properly.
NOHRSC launcher 1.01
Released in February, 1999
- Can now use config files with other suffixes with the -c option on the command line
- Launched applications will also use the specified config file
NOHRSC launcher 1.0
Released in January, 1999
- Can execute outside of the directory containing the executable if this directory is included in the "path" and IHABBS is an exported pathname
- Can use a local configuration file or one located in the directory containing the executable. Of note is that the user must have write access to the directory holding the config file
Bug Fixes
- Removes created *.cat files (temporary color allocation table files) upon exit
NOHRSC launcher 0.5
Released in December, 1998
- Able to change background color and highlight color
passed to launched applications.
- Export functionality added