Requirement for
Snow Data, Products, and Information
in the
Hydrologic Services Program
National Weather Service, NOAA
Version 3.0
2001 February 23
This Requirement for Snow Data, Products, and Information in the Hydrologic Services
Program National Weather Service, NOAA has been collated from findings,
requirements, and information documented in the 1993, 1996, and 1997 NOAA
Disaster Survey Reports and the NWS Assessment of Hydrologic and
Hydrometeorological Operations and Services by the National Research Council. The
1996 and 1997 floods were severe snowmelt floods; consequently, the survey reports
clearly document much of the RFC and WFO snow data, products, and information
requirement. Additionally, this document includes requirements articulated by NWS
regional, RFC, and WFO personnel who attended the Eastern Region snow workshop
held at the MARFC on December 1-4, 1998; the Western/Alaska Regions snow
workshop held at the NWRFC on July 26-30, 1999; and the Eastern Region snow
workshop held at Ithaca, NY, on July 18-19, 2000. Lastly, this document includes input
and requirements documented at the 4th Cold Region Hydrology Workshop held at the
NWS Training Center in Kansas City on November 14-17, 2000. This document
includes those relevant requirements that are identified in the workshop white paper
titled Recommendations and Requirements for Improving National Weather Service
Hydrologic Services in Cold Regions, drafted by Gregg Rishel (workshop chairman).
Similarly, the workshop white paper has been edited slightly to ensure internal
consistency with this requirements document.
Because the snow data, products, and information requirement is similar (but certainly
not identical) for all RFCs and WFOs (where snow is a significant hydrometeorological
variable), this document has been written to address the national requirement for snow
data, products, and information for the NWS Hydrologic Services Program. On January
3, 2001, version 2.2 of this document was distributed to the HSD Chiefs for review and
comment. This version incorporates the comments and suggestions received from the
HSD Chiefs.
- Requirements for Areal Extent of Snow Cover Data and Information
- Digital maps depicting the areal extent of snow cover for the continental U.S.,
those portions of Canada draining into the U.S., and Alaska, are required on a
daily basis.
- Maps are required to depict the areal extent of snow cover at a nominal
resolution of 1 km x 1 km.
- Maps are required to depict categories of observed snow cover and snow-free land where clouds are not present.
- Maps are required to depict categories of estimated snow cover and
estimated snow-free land where clouds are present.
- Maps are required to depict the relationship between snow cover and
elevation with a precision of 328' (100 m) elevation.
- Alphanumeric summaries of the percentage of areal extent of snow cover by
NWS forecast basin are required on a daily basis.
- Summaries are required to include a breakdown of percent areal extent of
snow cover by RFC-defined elevation zones within forecast basins where
these zones are defined.
- Digital maps depicting the 24-hour, 48-hour, 72-hour, 96-hour, and 120-hour
changes in the areal extent of snow cover for the continental U.S., those portions
of Canada draining into the U.S., and Alaska are required on a daily basis.
- The aforementioned digital maps and alphanumeric summaries depicting and
describing the areal extent of snow cover are required to be available on AWIPS
and on the Internet within 12 hours of satellite data acquisition.
B. Requirements for Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Data and Information
- Digital maps depicting the spatial distribution of SWE for the continental U.S.,
those portions of Canada draining into the U.S., and Alaska, based on all
available satellite-, airborne-, and ground-based data, are required on a daily
- Maps are required to depict SWE at a nominal resolution of 1 km x 1 km,
with a precision of 1/10 inches of water.
- Alphanumeric summaries of the mean SWE averaged over each NWS forecast
basin are required on a daily basis where snow is a significant
hydrometeorological variable.
- Summaries are required to include a breakdown of mean SWE by RFC-defined elevation zones within forecast basins where these zones are
- Digital maps depicting the deviation from normal (1970 - 2000) SWE for the
continental U.S., those portions of Canada draining into the U.S., and Alaska are
required on a daily basis.
- Digital maps depicting the 24-hour, 48-hour, 72-hour, 96-hour, and 120-hour
changes in SWE for the continental U.S., those portions of Canada draining into
the U.S., and Alaska are required on a daily basis.
- The aforementioned digital maps and alphanumeric summaries depicting and
describing SWE are required to be available on AWIPS and on the Internet by
0000 UTC each day.
C. Requirements for Updating Operational River Forecast Models with Snow
Data and Information.
- An operational method is required to update the snow water equivalent, areal
extent of snow cover, heat deficit, liquid water equivalent, and mean snow
temperature state variables in the NWSRFS SNOW-17 model with the best
available estimates of the actual magnitudes of these state variables occurring in
the forecast basin.
- The estimation and updating method is required in all modeling domains of
the continental U.S., those portions of Canada draining into the U.S., and
- An operational method is required to update the snow water equivalent, areal
extent of snow cover, heat deficit, liquid water equivalent, and mean snow
temperature state variables in the NWSRFS SNOW-43 model with the best
available estimates of the actual magnitudes of these state variables occurring in
the forecast basin and their associated uncertainty.
- The estimation and updating method is required in all modeling domains of
the continental U.S., those portions of Canada draining into the U.S., and
D. Requirements for New Snow Modeling Procedures
- New snow modeling procedures are required for mountainous areas that account
for the effect of terrain on precipitation and temperature.
- New snow modeling procedures are required that use meteorological variables in
addition to air temperature to estimate the amount of snowmelt, either to directly
calculate snowmelt, or to determine and apply regional corrections to SNOW-17
and SNOW-43.
- New snow modeling procedures are required to use observed streamflow
information as feedback in an automatic updating technique for snow water
equivalent estimates and other state variables of the Snow-17 model.
Techniques should be developed to use computed snowmelt runoff volume from
streamflow (or river stage) observations or simulations to adjust the appropriate
snow model variables.
E. Requirements for New Snow Modeling Guidance Products and Information
- New products are required that will provide guidance for adjusting relevant major
and minor parameters in the NWSRFS SNOW-17 and SNOW-43 models to
reduce discrepancies between NWSRFS snow model states and observed snow
cover states or the best available estimate of snow cover states occurring in the
forecast basin.
- New products are required from the NOHRSC Snow Data Assimilation System
(SNODAS) that depict "red flag" areas alerting forecasters of potentially high
snow melt rates and other snow cover conditions relevant to river and flood
forecasting operations at RFCs and WFOs.
- Graphical snow melt alert products are required for relevant areas.
- Daily text discussion products are required that i) briefly describe major
features of SNODAS-estimated snow characteristics, and ii) include a
thorough description of conditions throughout all snow melt alert areas.
- New products are required from the NOHRSC SNODAS that provide forecasts of
future snow cover conditions out to 48 hours.
F. Requirements for Enhanced Snow Data Displays and Snow Model
- Improved digital displays are required that will allow RFC and WFO forecasters
to visualize what is taking place inside snowmelt and rainfall-runoff models.
- Displays are required to depict maps of modeled snow states.
- Displays are required to depict time series graphs of modeled snow states.
- Improved digital displays are required that will depict the interaction between
precipitation and terrain for the current event and compare this to isohyetal
analysis of historical data.
G. Requirements for Snow Data
- All snow-related observations (snow water equivalent, snow depth, and snow
fall) by RFC and WFO personnel and by cooperative observers are required to
be encoded in SHEF and made available on AWIPS within 24 hours of the
- The station metadata must be provided to the NOHRSC by the RFCs and
contain for each station a valid and unique station ID, station name, latitude
and longitude, and station type (e.g., SNOTEL, snow course, snow spotter,
- A national web-based snow observation data entry tool is required to
facilitate the ingest and distribution of snow data from various cooperating
snow observers.
- The tool must be applicable across regions, and supported at a national
- The tool must contain sufficient password protections or other devices to
ensure that data entry is limited to qualified individuals.
- The tool must provide a mechanism to encode snow observations in SHEF
automatically and distribute these data over AWIPS within 24 hours using
standard AWIPS products such as RR1, RR2, or RR3.
- The Eastern, Central, Western, Southern and Alaska Regions require airborne
snow water equivalent data to be collected over significant portions of their
respective regions each year. In heavy snow years, airborne snow water
equivalent data collection is required almost continuously from early December
through June. The airborne snow water equivalent data are required to be
transmitted to the RFCs, WFOs, and NOHRSC in near real-time each day after
each snow survey mission is complete. The airborne program should have
sufficient resources to respond to "emergency requests" for special survey
missions after heavy snow storms immediately before spring flood outlooks
issued by the RFCs.
- New observations of snow water equivalent, snow depth, and snowfall are
required in areas where such observations are sparse or altogether lacking.
(e.g., high elevation areas of the eastern U.S. above 2000 feet). RFCs and
WFOs need to define both the minimum and the optimum networks for snow
data required to support the RFC's conceptual hydrologic modeling function and
the WFOs snow data requirements. Both the spatial and temporal distribution of
required snow observations should be defined by the RFCs and WFOs.
H. Requirements for Training
- Training is required to be provided every other year to RFCs and WFOs on the
physics of snow accumulation and ablation.
- A web-based training module for snow hydrology is required.
- Training is required to be provided every other year to RFCs and WFOs on the
product generation practices and interpretation of National Operational
Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center snow cover and snow water equivalent data
products and information services.
- A snow measurement training video for cooperative observers is required.
I. Observation Equipment
- Funding is required for Adirondack snow samplers and other measurement
instruments to augment and improve snow data collection by cooperating
- Funding is required for implemention and maintenance of a dense network of
highly reliable, hourly reporting, automated all weather precipitation gages.
J. Improved Snow Information in Operational NWP Models
- Improved snow information from the NOHRSC SNODAS is required to be
integrated into operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models (Eta and
RUC2) to improve meteorological forecasts in cold regions.
K. Radar Snowfall Algorithms and Products
- Implementation of operational Z-S or other suitable WSR-88D radar snowfall
algorithms is required to estimate snowfall water equivalent and resulting snow
depth from NEXRAD data. The OSF Snow Accumulation Algorithm needs to be
tested, verified, and implemented.
- Algorithms must be capable of generating reliable, real-time snowfall water
equivalent and snow depth products.
- Development of an operational WSR-88D precipitation algorithm that uses
climate, terrain, and elevation information to adjust precipitation estimates for all
precipitation types (e.g., use PRISM information to adjust estimates).
L. Improved Station Location Information
- Accurate and precise station location information and unique NWSLI or regional
station IDs are required for all permanent or long-term NWS or cooperating snow
observation stations.
- Latitude and longitude position is required to the nearest second.
- Elevation position is required to the nearest 30 m, using the WGS84 datum.
- Location information should be collected using the Global Positioning
System (GPS) rather than topographic maps.
M. NOHRSC SNODAS Data Products and Information
- Daily gridded SNODAS data sets depicting key national snow cover state
variables and processes are required to be permanently archived for future
NWSRFS snow model calibration activities.
- Verification of SNODAS data products and information is required to be
- Required verification must include the collection of new ground- and
airborne-based snow data in specified regions to be used as independent
"ground-truth" verification data.
- Required verification must include evaluations of comparisons between
SNODAS-estimated snow characteristics and RFC-estimated snow
characteristics (e.g. NWSRFS or other mechanisms).
- A SNODAS spin-up time of 72 hours is required to ensure that most snow
observations from cooperating observers have a sufficient amount of time to be
reported, distributed, and included in the SNODAS assimilation cycle.
- To be assimilated into the daily 1200 UTC SNODAS analysis, all snow-related
observations (snow water equivalent, snow depth, and snow fall) made by RFC
and WFO personnel and by cooperative observers for the previous 24-hour
period (1200 UTC to 1200 UTC) must be encoded in SHEF, using valid and
unique station identifiers, and made available on AWIPS no later than 1400