Special Purpose Imagery > Special Purpose Imagery Archive
Special Purpose Imagery Archive
The following are ad hoc-generated images for special projects, grouped by
geographic region. Note: some of the linked images are large georeferenced
JPG or TIFF files that have been compressed using the tar and
gzip utilities.
Northwest Region |
Green River from the Howard Hanson Dam to Auburn, WA - 2009-09-20
This Landsat 5 TM image shows the Green River and
lake extents near the Howard Hanson Dam, east of
Auburn, WA.
Green River and surrounding area near Auburn, WA - 2009-10-04
This image shows the Green River from the Howard
Dam to Auburn, WA. The southern edge of Seattle can be
seen in the upper left corner.
The larger Landsat 7 TM image is slightly over 3 MB.
Seattle and Tacoma, WA and surrounding area - 2009-10-04
This is the original high-resolution Landsat 7 TM image used
for a closer look at the Howard Hanson Dam
east of Auburn, WA. Mount Rainier can be seen amongst the
clouds towards the bottom of the picture.
A larger georegistered Landsat TM image suitable
for importing into a GIS can be found
here (34 MB).